About Benjamin Ognjanov, PhD

Benjamin Ognjanov is a qualified practicing market researcher (QPMR) and has worked in research for over 20 years working both on the client and supplier side of the market research industry.   He has wide-ranging experience in quantitative research projects, and extensive analytical skills.

Over the years, Benjamin has conducted research on a vast range of subjects.  Although the majority of projects have been on behalf of the public and not-for-profit sectors, Benjamin also has experience in the commercial sector.

Benjamin specialises in using research results to direct marketing and business strategies and prides himself on providing clients with effective tools for decision-making.

Qualifications: Benjamin completed his PhD studies at the Central University of Finance and Economics, Beijing.  His thesis, Forecasting International Tourism Expenditure in Regional Mainland China, utilising advanced time-series and econometric modelling.  He holds a Master of Business Degree in Marketing from Victoria University.  Benjamin is a full member of the Australian Market & Social Research Society (AMSRS).